Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kabuki pictures

So, as I mentioned before, my mom is very lame at keeping up with this blog. She claims to be ultra-busy. I think she just can't stand immersing herself in the level of cuteness that I bring to the screen.

I wanted to share a few pictures of myself. I have grown A LOT in the past few weeks. For a time, my favorite retreat from the dog was to hide in his dog dish. While this may seem counter-intuitive, it seemed to protect me from his mighty jaws.

Then tonight, all I was trying to do was sleep, and what do you suppose - my mom took the camera, held it up above me and ... FLASH! There I was again. Good GRIEF, these people! I'm trying to take a NAP here.

Even though they are a little camera-happy, I am happy and healthy and glad I have such a great family. They are glad they have me too - lucky for them. If they weren't, they would suffer the wrath of KABUKI!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My mom fails - bigtime

Hi, it's me, Kabuki. Wow, I have been trying and trying to get my mom to post some new stories about me. I'm practically twice as big as the last time she put up pictures! But she says she has been too busy with work and coaching and throwing pots in her studio for Christmas.

I like the studio - it's filled with all kinds of things I can get into. Sometimes she takes the lids off these big white buckets and uses a big brush to stir around this funny-smelling liquid. I try to get in to taste it, but the buckets are too tall. All I can do is put my little paws up on top of them and peek in. Even then, she tries to chase me away! It MUST be something good, if she doesn't want me to have it.

Mom's pottery studio has a kick wheel, too. I like to play with the kick wheel, but I have to be careful. I can smack it with my paws, but once I tried pouncing. THAT was a big mistake. I flew around on the wheel and flew right off the other side! I'll never try that again. But one of these days, I'm going to stop that wheel just be smacking it with my paw. Just see if I don't.

Anyway, there are new pictures of me somewhere. I am getting bigger and stronger and much more fierce than ever before. Rawr. Now if only I could get those dogs to see how fierce I am!